Search Tool
Using the TerraExplorer search tool located at the top of the Project Tree, you can search for any of the following:
§ Items in your project tree, including locations, layers, groups and objects.
§ Addresses and points of interest on your SkylineGlobe Server.
§ Layers and projects on your SkylineGlobe Server, including feature, 3D Mesh Layer, raster, and point cloud.
§ TerraExplorer ribbon commands, e.g., Publish, Viewshed, or Animation. (The search results will include all commands with the search term and the related tooltip).
§ Feature attributes in a selected feature layer.
§ Specific coordinates.
For more efficient and effective searches, search filters can be used to narrow the scope of your search, using the syntax ‘Filter: search term.
To search:
1. In the Project Tree, Search here field, type a search term.
2. If you want to filter your search, use the syntax Filter: search term. See “Search Filters” in this chapter for information about available filters.
3. If you want to search for feature attributes in a selected feature layer, do the following:
a. In the Project Tree, right-click the feature layer and click "Search". The layer’s name is inserted in the search bar.
b. Add your search term after the colon that follows the layer name, i.e. [World Data\OSM Roads\OSM Roads Level 3]: Search Term.
4. When clicking on a search result, the operation that TE performs depends on the result type selected:
§ Commands: - Activates the command.
§ Project: - Selects the item on the project tree and flies to its location.
§ Addresses: - Flies to the address location.
§ SkylineGlobe: - Loads the layer.
§ [Feature Layer]: - Flies to the feature location.
To fly to a specific coordinate:
§ In the Project Tree, Search here field, type the coordinates using the following syntax:
§ Coord: Lon, Lat or X, Y - Fly to coordinate.
§ MGRS: MGRS coordinate - Fly to MGRS coordinate